
Conference Weekend

We Love General Conference Weekend in our family. I especially love it when it is raining outside and I can curl up with a blanket on the couch and enjoy talks that motivate me to be a better person.

One bad thing about the weekend is that I dont get any of my cleaning or shopping done. We encourage the kids to play in their room while we were watching conference and this is what happened to their room....

I am not looking forward to helping the kids clean up that mess. I think Marcus got into absolutely everything that he possibly could have. This wasnt the only room in the house that was wrecked.

We did also make a little treat tonight. Check it out on my cooking blog. It was delicious. It was a Pumpkin Pie swirled Brownie Tart....yummy. I am enjoying it as we speak.

Love, Tamber

1 comment:

Amber said...

Oh dear! Good luck! Oh and I love your cooking blog!