
Emma's Baby Pic

This is a pic of Emma when she was 6 weeks.

This is Marcus at the hospital.

A couple of you were interested to see if Marcus looks like Emma did when she was a baby...here are the pics....

I think he is starting to look more like she did as his features are becoming more defined.


Becky said...

I agree. I didn't think he looked like Emma at first but he is looking more and more like her as time goes by.

AMY said...

Hey guys! This is the original Amy McAllister! I stole the link to your blog off of Cort and Amy's site. Hope you don't mind. Loved the pics of the new guy. He is darling! We haven't had a chance to congratulate you guys so I wanted to at least do it here! Congrats!! And props to ya for his middle name. It's awesome! Can't wait to see him in person!