

We spent the night last night at Primary Children's Hospital with Marcus after a concerned doctor admitted him yesterday. He has been running a high fever for 8 days now. He does not like the fact that he has to be tied down by an IV, but he seems like he is getting better from all of the fluids/medicine. His temperature has been in the high 99's and low 100's since we got here.

On Thursday night he had some blood work done that indicated the levels of infection in his body were high. That could be anything from an ear infection to something more serious. Anytime a child has a temp over 100 for more than 5 days, the doctor's get concerned. Originally they were suspicious of Kawasaki's Disease which would be the worst case scenario. The good news is that the cardiologist doesn't think that is what he has.

We are continuing to wait on more test to see if this could be a bacterial infection, bladder infection, kidney infection, etc. Hopefully by day's end we will have a better idea of what is going on.

Thanks goodness for living so close to such an amazing hospital with such great doctors. I wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

Love, Tamber

1 comment:

laura said...

that's so scary, tamber! we're hoping for good news for you guys!

we missed you last night! we'll have to plan for another time!