
Emma hearts Hannah Montanna

Well, I would have loved to get Emma tickets to the July 4th Stadium of Fire with Miley Sirus playing, but they were like $35 each and they were sold out in like 10 minutes, so I guess letting Emma watch her sing on youtube is the best I can do. Emma loves her songs...well, really only one song...."See You Again"....Here is some video of her singing to the song, she is also doing all of the hand and facial movements....it is so Hilarious. I love watching Emma sing and dance she is so good at it. I am going to try and put her into dance lessons this summer when she turns 3. Well, here is the video...

1 comment:

laura said...

kennedy loves hannah montana, too! i didn't even know she knew who she was until she pointed her picture out at wal-mart!