
Happy New Year........a time to Renew my goals

I think I need to take a hint from this comic...Sorry Eric, I will try harder.

I know that some people (including my husband) think that New Year's Resolutions are dumb because why not do it any other time during the year?!

For me the new year is a time to evaluate my goals as well as set new ones. So, I figured that in order to feel accountable for a couple of them I would post them, so keep me honest....

Being Myself - feel better about myself by being conscious of the things that I do to my body (eat, exercise, relax, etc.) and take time for myself each week.

Being a Wife- Don't Nag and try to go out of my way to do something special for my husband each day.

Being a Mom- Be more patient with my children and have fun with them (don't be afraid to be a child with them).

Being a member of the Church- Attend the temple once per month and try and prepare for the Sacrament so that it means more each week.

Being a swim coach
- go out of my way to help each individual on the team feel like they are important.

I hope that I can look back in a year and know that I have improved in each of these areas, even if I didn't accomplish everything that I had hoped for.

Happy New Year! I hope that 2009 is a better year for everyone.

Love, Tamber


Brooke said...

Those are great ones! Good luck, I may have to steel a few from you.

AMY said...

Great goals...I've got a lot of the same (aside from the swim coach thing!) Looks like you had a great Christmas and I love the pic of Cort and Eric with their boys. So fun to have everyone together!