
Birthday Calendar

I didn't want to post this until I gave it to my grandma. I spent a lot of time on this gift, painting it, looking for the right pieces, getting the writing the way I wanted it and so much more. I think that it turned out so well. My grandma loved it which even adds to how it turned out.

Love, Tamber


fagergrenfam said...

Oh that turned out so cute. When you were trying to describe it to me I sort of got it, but now I see it...it turned out great! What a neat idea. I think I might steal it for grandma's next year! If that's ok

Jen Duke said...

oh my gosh. I love that. You'll have to tell me how you made it. You are so stinkin' talented and creative!

Tash said...

That is such a good idea. I am always trying to remember birthdays, and the calendar would be a lot of help.